Jawaharlal Nehru University Placement Cell
जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय प्लेसमेंट सेल

Why JNU ?

Henry Giroux, a pioneering name in Critical Pedagogy and Culture studies, had famously observed that universities should be about more than developing work skills. They must also be about producing civic-minded and critically engaged citizens - citizens who can engage in debate, dialogue and bear witness to a different and critical sense of remembering, agency, ethics and collective resistance. JNU reflects precisely this understanding of a university. Amid the undulating ridges of the Aravalli Ranges, Jawaharlal Nehru University is a locus amoenus geographically as well as academically, spread across an area of more than 1000 acres. It aesthetically comprises of 13 schools that have 38 centres, 8 special centres, the state of the art labs including language labs that are well-equipped with the latest technology, state of the art library, seminar halls and highly advanced auditoriums. Stemming from the roots of historical ideals and modern civilization, JNU is a true amalgamation of critical thinking, interdisciplinary dialogue, and exemplary research institution that makes it incredibly successful in producing top class personalities in a diverse array of fields, be it bureaucrats, scientists, engineers, managers, professionals or public figures. Since its very inception, JNU has been a hallmark for providing quality education in all the majoritarian streams of knowledge.

Pillars of Strength

JNU is a premier academic institution in the country that stands out for its commitment to creating a holistic learning environment for students coming from various parts of the country and all over the world. Among a multitude of assets JNU boasts of, expert faculties who are distinguished in their respective fields, an exemplary infrastructure and an environment that is conducive to creating critical minds makes JNU stand out as a premier institution. In JNU, students are not only engaged in constant intellectual stimulation through classroom lectures and inter disciplinary research, but they are also taught to be committed towards community services. JNU campus is renowned for its greenery and openness (both literally and metaphorically) apart from its most striking feature of being DIVYANG friendly and gender just. The overall female students are outnumbered the male students.

Pillar of Strengths

Placement Procedure

The Placement office of JNU extends a warm invitation to all companies and organizations that are interested in campus recruitment.

The procedures for campus recruitment are laid down below:

1. Companies/Organizations seeking to recruit students can send a mail directly to placement@jnu.ac.in . The mail should specify the details of the company/organization; the nature of job and the qualifications of candidates required for the same.

2. Companies/Organizations are required to fill a mandatory Job Notification Form (JNF) .

3. Once the JNU Placement Cell receives the complete JNF with all the required details, the company shall be automatically registered with the JNU Placement Cell, and then details of jobs will be shared among students by the JNU Placement's office.

4. The placement office will inform the company/organization about number of interested students and the possible dates of campus recruitment on mutual understanding.

5. After completion of the selection process, the company/organization will be required to announce the names of the selected candidates at the end of recruitment process.

Note-Interested Companies/Organizations can conduct a Pre-Placement-Talk in the campus after prior permission for the same.

Company Registration

(Job Notifcation Form)

In case, you are finding difficulty to fill the form

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