Srikanth Kondapalli
Centre/School/Special Centre
Centre for East Asian Studies,
School of International Studies
Off. Phone
011- 2670 4341 / 2670 4346
srikanth@mail.jnu.ac.in, srikondapalli@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
- Ph.D. SIS, JNU in 1995
- M.Phil, SIS, JNU in 1989
- Post-Doctoral Visiting Fellow at People’s University 1997
Areas of Interest/Specialization
- China’s Foreign & Security Policies
- Dean, SIS, JNU since February 2022
- Chairman, CEAS, SIS, JNU from 2008-10; 2012 -14, 2016-18 and 2018-2020
- MP-IDSA Researcher, 1995-99; Research Officer 1998-99; and Research Fellow, 1999-2006
- Associate Professor, CEAS, SIS, JNU 2006-08
- Professor, CEAS, SIS, JNU 2008 to the present
- Visiting Professor at Shandong University (Jinan and Qingdao campuses), Jilin University (Changchun), Yunnan Finance and Economics University (Kunming), National Chengchi University (Taipei)
- Visiting Fellow at China Institute for Contemporary International Relations, Beijing, May 2007
- Non-Resident Senior Fellow at People’s University, Beijing since 2014
Awards & Honours
- Recipient of MP-IDSA’s K Subramanyam Award for Excellence in Research in Security and Strategic Studies 2010
- Resident Scholar at Stella & Maris College, Chennai January 2009
- Advisory Board member of Society for Indian Ocean Studies, Delhi from 2010
- Associate Member, IDSA from 1994
- Life Member of United Services Institution
- Distinguished Fellow of Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi from 2010
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, “Global Power Shift: Comparative Analysis and Perspectives” edited book series published by Springer since 2011
- Member, Editorial Board, Tamkhang University Journal (Taipei) since 2011
- Mentor Member Sanchi University Buddhist-Indic Studies, Bhopal November 2012-
- Editorial Board Member of Chinese Quarterly of International Strategic Studies (Shanghai) from 2014
- Managing Editor of JNU SIS Journal International Studies from July 2021
- Trustee of Foundation for Non-Violent Alternatives June 2021
- Distinguished Fellow at Vivekananda International Foundation since August 2021
International Collaboration/Consultancy
- IDSA Research projects on “China’s Armed Forces” from 1999-2001 and “China’s National Defence Strategy” from 2001-2005 and “Security Initiatives in Enhancing National Power: China in Asia” from 2005 to 2006
- Part of a research project for Defence Research & Development Organisation, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi on Chinese Military
- Coordinator of the Fifth Asian Security Conference with the theme “Asian Security and China in 2000-2010” from January 27-29, 2003.
- Coordinator of the First Round Table Conference between IDSA and National Chengchi University, Taipei from September 10-11, 2003 at New Delhi
- Coordinator of the Third Round Table Conference between IDSA and National Chengchi University, Taipei on December 7-8, 2005 at New Delhi
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- “Chinese Military Eyes Southern Asia” in Andrew Scobell and Larry Wortzel eds. The PLA Shapes the Future Security Environment (Carlisle Barracks, PA: US Army War College & The Heritage Foundation, October 2006) pp.197-282 at http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB709.pdf
- “Rise of China and territorial disputes” in Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao and Cheng-yi Lin editors Rise of China: Beijing’s Strategies and implications for the Asia-Pacific (London: Routledge, 2009) pp. 148-67
- “China and Transnational Maritime Security Challenges” in Mohan Malik Ed. Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific: China, India, and US Perspectives (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2014)
- “Perception and Strategic Reality in India-China Relations” in Thomas Fingar Ed) The New Great Game- China and South and Central Asia in the era of Reform (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2016) pp. 93-115
- “The Indus Basin: The Potential for basin-Wide management Between China and Its Himalayan Neighbours India and Pakistan” in Zafar Adeel and Robert G Wirsing, Eds, Imagining Industan: Overcoming Water Insecurity in the Indus Basin (Springer, 2016) pp. 159-76
- “Regional Multilateralism with Chinese Characteristics” in David Shambaugh Ed. China & the World (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020) pp. 313-42
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- “Securing the Periphery: China-North Korea Relations” Korean Institute for National Unification, (Seoul) vol. 15 no. 2 (2006) pp. 70-94
- “Weapons of Mass Destruction Transfers in Asia: An Analysis” International Studies (New Delhi) vol. 45 no.1 (2008) pp.45-73
- “China's World View & Policies towards India” Tamkang Journal of International Affairs vol. no. (2011)
- “India's Interactions with East Asia: Opportunities and Challenges” International Studies (2010) Vol. 47 Nos 2-4 pp. 305-21
- “United States—China Relations: Prospects during Xi—Biden Tenure” [Вестник РУДН. Серия: МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЕ ОТНОШЕНИЯ] Vestnik RUDN. International Relations 2021 Vol. 21 No. 2 pp. 279—287 website [http://journals.rudn.ru/international‐relations]