Ph.D (1996) on Pragmatics of death and modes of individuation in the figures of Socrates, Antigone & Jesus Christ from Centre of English and Linguistics (School of Languages), JNU. M.Phil (1991) on Myth, mimesis and subjectivity in Jean Anouilh’s Antigone from Centre of English and Linguistics (School of Languages), JNU. MA (1988) from Centre of English and Linguistics (School of Languages), JNU. BA (1986) in Economics Hons. from Sri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University. |
Theatre histories, Performance theory, cultural Studies, Philosophy and politics
Currently Associate Professor, TPS/SAA, JNU
Associate Professor, CSSS,Calcutta (2013-2014)
Visiting Fellow, CSDS, Delhi (2012-2013)
Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla(2010-2012) researching on ‘Theatre, Number, Event: Three Studies on the Logic of Sovereignty’
Till May 2011 Taught the papers “Cultural Studies and Performance” and “World Theatre: Theory and Practice” as visiting faculty member, at School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU.
July-Dec, 2007 Taught the paper “Movements and concepts in Performance” as visiting faculty member, at School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU.
Jan-May, 2007 Taught the paper “Cultural Studies and Performance” as visiting faculty member, at School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU.
July-Dec. 2006 Taught the papers, “World Theatre: Theory and Practice” and “Research Method-ology”, as Associate Professor, visiting faculty member, at School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU.
Jan-May, 2006 Taught the paper “Cultural Studies and Performance” as visiting faculty member, at School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU.
July-Dec. 2005 Taught the papers, “World Theatre: Theory and Practice” and “Research Metho-dology”, as Associate Professor, visiting faculty member, at School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU.
Jan-May, 2005 Taught the paper “Cultural Studies and Performance” as Associate Professor, visiting faculty member, at School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU.
July-Dec.2004 Taught the paper “World Theatre: Theory and Practice” as Associate Professor, visiting faculty member, at School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU.
July-Dec 2003 Taught the paper “World Theatre: Theory and Practice” as a guest faculty member at School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU.
“Why the People-to-come will not, and must not, be Sovereign: Notes on a Political and Mathematical Puzzle”, published by Routledge London, 2011 in the book ‘Messianic Now: Religion, Politics, Philosophy’ ed. Paul Fletcher and Arthur Bradley
‘Appearance of poverty, poverty of appearance: political sociability and theatre in the subcontinent’ published in 2010 in the website of Theatre and Performance Studies, Warwick University https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/theatre_s/research/jnu/colloquium/jnu_papers “The Birth of Affect: Reading Dionysus in Nietzsche’s Theory of Tragedy” in Nietzsche: Philologist, Philosopher, and Cultural Critic, ed. Franson Manjali, Allied Publishers, 2006. “Schizophrenia and Critique of Psychoanalysis: Notes on a Culture of Joy” in Post Structuralism and Cultural Theory, ed. Franson Manjali, Allied Publishers, 2006. Paper “Hegel and Lacan” published in Signification in Language and Culture, ed. HS Gill, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, 2003. |
‘Theatre, Number, Event: Three studies on the relationship of sovereignty, power and truth’ to be published by IIAS, Shimla in 2012 |