* PhD * M.Phil in Russian * MA in Russian Studies (University Gold Medal) * MA in English * MBA (Specialization: HR and IT) * Post-Graduate Diploma in Translation (English-Hindi-English) * Training Course in Book Publishing - NBT * Intensive Advanced Diploma in Russian language |
* 14 Years of Teaching as Assistant Professor (in year 2024)
* 2 Years of Teaching as Guest Lecturer (in year 2008-2010)
- Awarded with Second Prize “Moi Tolstoy” (My Tolstoy), International competition of Creative Writing Essay, organised by Tula State Pedagogical University, Tula, Russia, 31st August 2023.
- Awarded Certificate of Appreciation for the contribution in promoting Russian language in India by Russian House, New Delhi 6th June 2023.
- Awarded Pushkin Prize (Pushkin Samman, 2022) by Indian Friendship Society, Moscow Russia at IAAS, Moscow State University, Moscow on 7th of November 2022.
- Awarded Fellowship (One month Refresher Course in Moscow) as winner of International Competition for Teachers InteRussia 2022 organised by Garchakov Fund and Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language, Moscow, Russia. Победитель международного конкурса на программу научно-исследовательских стажировок InteRussia для зарубежных русистов, Фонд Горчакова, Государственный институт русского языка им. А.С. Пушкина и Россотрудничество, 2022
- Awarded as winner at second place, Final Round, II International Teachers Competition 2020 “Digital Knowledge Transfer” organised by Rossotrunichestvo, Russia held on November 2020
- Awarded as winner at second place, Final Round, II International Teachers Competition 2020 “Digital Knowledge Transfer” organised by Rossotrunichestvo, Russia held on November 2020
- Awarded as winner at Second place, International Competition of Russkaya Rech-2020 in the nomination of “Best online resource in Russian Language” organised by Rus.Study, Rossotrudnichestvo, Russia, October 2020
- Awarded as winner of International Competition of Teachers “Zakachai Znaniya”(Knowledge Transfer) organised by Rossotrudnichestvo and Novoe Vremya in Moscow on 19-20 November 2019
- Awarded as Laureate of International Declamation Competition “Zoshenko Vslukh” in nomination of Monodeclamation by foreigner in Russian” May 2019 by St. Petersburg House of Writers, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Awarded Fellowship from Russian Govt. 10 month’s Professional Development course for teachers (Teacher's Training Programme) at Pushkin Institute. September 2018- July 2019.
- Awarded as the winner of the International Pushkin Competition organised by Rossiskaya Gazeta, Moscow, 2018
- Awarded as winner in International Competition in the nomination of Teaching subject in Russian language” held at Artek organised by Pushkin State Institute of Russian language, August, 2017.
- Awarded First Place in the International Competition “Media Technology in teaching Russian language and Russian Culture” " by Rossotrudnichestvo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russia. June 2015.
- Awarded Laureate in the International Contest "The Best Teacher of Russian Language & Literature Abroad" by Rossotrudnichestvo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russia. June 2015.
- Awarded: Special Prize in International Contest "The Best Teacher of Russian Language & Literature Abroad" by Rossotrudnichestvo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russia. June 2014.
- Awarded: Certificate of Appreciation for Promoting Russian Language in India by Russian Centre of Science and Culture, Embassy of Russian Federation, New Delhi. 2014.
- Granted - R&D and Doctoral Research Project Titled "Instructional Material of Computer-Assisted Language Learning For Practical Russian (Oral) Courses" University of Delhi, 2011-2012 (Completed)
- Awarded: "The Best Young Teacher of Russian Language" in India by Russian Centre of Science and Culture, Embassy of Russian Federation, New Delhi. 2010.
*Collaboration with more than 15 Universities in Russia.
*Delivered a lecture titled “Teaching Russian language, culture and translation in India through technology” at Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" on 15th of September 2023
*Delivered a lecture titled “ Творчество А.С. Пушкина на процесс сближения людей в период пандемии” (Works of A.S. Pushkin – process of people to people contact during pandemic) organised online by Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language, Moscow, on 13th April 2023
*Delivered a lecture on “55 лет Центру русских исследований, Университета им. Джавахарлала Неру” (55 let Centru ruskikh issledovaniy, Universiteta im. Jawaharlalal Neru), Russia Today, Rossotrudnichestvo 28th of August 2020.
*Delivered talk on “Indian and Russian culture in Translation” in Workshop and cultural programme “Meeting with India” at Museum of Bulat Okudzava, Peredelkina, Russia on 6th of July 2019
*Delivered lecture on “मिख़अईल ज़ोषिनका की चुनी हुई कहानियां: विशेषताएं, अनुवाद एवं समस्याएँ” “Mikhail Zoshchenko ki chuni hui kahaniyan: visheshtayen, anuvaad evam samasyaen” at ISAA, Moscow State University on 2nd November 2018
*Delivered lecture on ”Социальные стереотипы о России в индийской аудитории” (Stereotypes about Russia in Indian classroom) at International Competition of the teachers teaching and motivating level of Russian language in nomination of “Teaching Russian subjects in Russian language” Artek, Crimean held on 25th August, 2017
*Lectures delivered on “Modern Technology in teaching Russian Language in India”, “Teaching Russian Language and Russian Literature in India”, “Russian Language and Sanskrit as the members of Indo-European Language family” , “Documentary prose in Russian Literature XX Century (S. Alexievich, A. Adamovich)” on 26-29 May, 2015 at Tomsk State University, Russia
More than 40 Research Articles published in India and Abroad in peer reviewed/Web of Science/Scopus indexed journals. *S. Saini, Перевод романа Ф.М. Достоевского «Бедные люди» на язык хинди и помощь молодым переводчикам Индии ( Analysis of the translation of novel "Poor people" by F.M. Dostoevsky in Hindi and nurturing Young Translators of India), XV Congress MAPRYAL, Russia, 2024, ISBN 978-5-6051351-0-4, pp 142-145 *S. Saini, The mission of literature: Translation of the Interview of Olga Slavnikova, Critic, ISSN: 2229-7146, pp 276-280 *S. Saini, A. Jakhmola, Shadowing Technique in Simultaneous Interpretation: The First Step, Critic, ISSN: 2229-7146, pp 255-261 *Chaudhary V., Saini S., फ़्योदर दस्तअयेव्स्की की कहानी किसान मर्येई का हिन्दी में अनुवाद (Translation of ‘The Peasant Marey’ of Fyodor Dostoevsky in Hindi) Critic, ISSN: 2229-7146, pg 130-136. 2022 *Saini S., “फ़्योदर दस्तअयेव्स्की के उपन्यास ‘गरीब लोग' के रूसी-हिन्दी अनुवाद का विश्लेषण” (The novel “Poor Folk” by Fyodor Dostoevsky in Hindi: Analysis of the translation) Critic, ISSN: 2229-7146, pg 137-150. *Saini S., Fraiman Ze’ev, Смартфон и планшет: инструменты учебного процесса для нового поколения (Development of Effective Educational Mobile Apps for New Generation), the journal Critic Special Issue 19, October 2021, ISSN no. 2229-7146, pp 103-110 , Zoombombing’ and Teaching Methods Online with Security, the journal Critic Special Issue 19, October 2021, ISSN no. 2229-7146, pp 242-253 *Saini S., Fraiman Ze’ev, Смартфон и планшет: инструменты учебного процесса для нового поколения (Development of Effective Educational Mobile Apps for New Generation), the journal Critic Special Issue 19, October 2021, ISSN no. 2229-7146, pp 103-110 *Saini S., “Жанр «литература личных свидетельств» и “testimonial literature” (на примере «Чернобыльская молитва хроника будущего» С.А. Алексиевич) (Zhanr ‘literatura lichnykh svidetelstv’ i “testimonial literature” (na primere “Chernobylskaya Molitva khronika budushevo” S.A. Alexievich), Journal Russian Philology, Issue no. 39, 2020, published in October 2021, ISSN 2231-1564, pp. 65-75. *Saini S., “The journey of Indian novel Parva to Russian Парва (Parva), article published in book Giant Genius Bhyrappa and mirrors of his novels, a collection of articles ed. by M.S. Vijaya Haran, August 2021, pp 341-354 *Saini.S, Poplavskaya, Saxena R. Особенности литературной рефлексии героев в прозе С. А. Алексиевич («Цинковые мальчики») (Osobennosti literaturnoi reflexiy geroev v proze S.A. Alexievich ‘Tsinkoviye malchiki’” Vestnik, Tomsk State University, Russia, May, 2021. № 463. С. 47–54. WoS, DOI: 10.17223/15617793/463/6 *Saini, S., Перевод юмористических рассказов М. Зощенко с русского на хинди: сложности и стратегии (Perevod yumoristicheskikh rasskazov M. Zoshchenko s russkovo na khindi: Slozhnosti i strategii). Миры литературного перевода: Сборник докладов участников V Между- народного конгресса переводчиков художественной литературы Miri literaturnovo perevoda: Proceedings of V International Congress of Translators. Ed. D.D. Kuzina, I.O. Sid, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-00087-192-8. November 2020. *Saini, Sonu, Время принять инновационные методы преподавания на основе технологии, (Vremya prinyat innovatsionnie metodi prepodavaniya na osnova texnologiy”) Critic, Journal of Centre of Russian Studies, Issue no. 17, October 2020, ISSN no. 2229-7146. pp 134-138 *Saini S., Генезис и четыре этапа развития художественно-документального жанра в русской литературе (Genesis and four periods in the development of documentary genre in Russian literature) Assonance, No. 20, Kerala, January 2020, pp 32-44, ISSN: 2394-7853 https://russian.uoc.ac.in/index.php/2016-06-16-10-20-34/2017-08-14-10-57-47 *S.Saini, Anna Bhau Sahte’s visit to Pushkin land and Afanasy Nikitn to Inida: A study of the Genre “Travelogue” as Documentary literature, proceedings of International Conference “Indo-Russian Discourse of Humanism and Transnationality Reflected in Anna Bhau Sathe, Alexander Pushkin and Afanasy Nikitin’s Writings, September 2019, Moscow, Russia, ISBN 978-5-98269-203-0 *S.Saini, “Growing Multilingualism in India and Russia in the Light of Indigenous Languages”. Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices, 2018, 15 (4), 537—545. DOI 10.22363/2618- 897X-2018-15-4-537-545 http://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/article/view/20242 *S.Saini, О необходимости нового варианта перевода русских народных сказок на язык хинди.(Requisite of the Translation’s New Version of Russian Folk Stories in Hindi) World of the Translation of Literature. IV International Congress of Translators of Literature. Volume II, September 2018, p. 139-145. ISBN 978-5-91922-068-8 (Т. 2) *S.Saini, Развитие литературного жанра «документальная проза» в конце XX века (Development of the literary genre “Documentary Prose” at the end of XX century).CRS journal Critic Special Issue No. 15, New Delhi, March 2018. ISSN: 2229-7146. *S. Sonu, Современные технологии обучения русскому языку и продвижение позиции русистики в Индии. Современные технологии обучения русскому языку как иностранному. (Modern Technology and its utilzation in teaching Russian in India today). Material of International courses of Professional Development, Raduga Press, Vyatskiy State University, Kirov, Russia, Pp. 36-44. 2017, ISSBN 978-5-9500379-3-1.
* For other publications and details, kindly see the CV given above.
More than 20 Books/textbooks in original/translation (Russian/English/Hindi)
Saini Sonu, Tipnis Pragati, Indian Pushkin: Shailendra by Indrajeet Singh, VK Publishers, Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-5612-692-3, July 2024
Saini Sonu and others, Пишем по-русски, Workbook of Russian Language, Book Rasiya, Second Edition, New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-5980-230-5, Likely to be published in September 2024
A.K. Kopyan, N.N. Stepanovna, S. Saini, (editors) Linguistic and regional studies: homeland through the eyes of a student” // Materials of the III International Student Online Conference. / Compiled by: A.S. Hakobyan // Ed. K.S. Akopyan, N.S. Novikova. – Yerevan: Department of Russian Language and Professional Communication, IGN RAU, 2021. – M.: Engineering Academy of RUDN University, 2021. – Delhi: Center for Russian Studies UDN, 2021.(published in 2023) – 200 p. ISBN 978-9939-0-3945-9, ORCID: 0000-0001-9263-6791
S. Saini, I. Poplavskaya, Introduction to Literature: A Handbook on Theory, Practice and Analysis of a Literary Text, Published by Book Rasiya, Delhi, India, 2024, ISBN 978-81-962997-1-2
S. Saini, Translated Russian Literature: History and Modernity by Anna Esparsa, Published by: Book Rasiya, V.K. Global Publications Pvt. Ltd., August, 2023, ISBN 978-81-962997-9-8
S. Agarwal, S.Saini, translated “51 Russian recipes” of Galina Vidrevich from Russian to Hindi, Published by: V.K. Global Publications Pvt. Ltd., in August, 2023. New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-5612-323-6
S. Saini, translated collection of poems (51 poems) written by Sh. Tajender Singh Luthra titled “Ek Naya Ishwar” from Hindi to Russian, published by V.K. Global Publications Pvt. Ltd. in August, 2023, New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-5612-322-9
S. Saini, translated collection of poems (52 poems) written by Sh. Sachidanand Joshi titled “Zindagi ek Natak hai” from Hindi to Russian, published by V.K. Global Publications Pvt. Ltd., August, 2023, New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-5612-277-2
*R. Banerjee, K.S. Verma, A.K. Karnati, S. Saini, Critic Special Issue No. 19.JNU, New Delhi, 2018. ISSN: 2229-7146, pp 288
*Maurya Abhai, Saini Sonu, PARVA: Russian translation of a modern Kannada classic novel by S. L. Bhyrappa, published under the SCO project as announced by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India in June 2019 at Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi (2020) ISBN: 978-93-90310-87-6, Total Pages-1154
*S. Pandey, S. Sargar, S. Saini, B. Gaikwad, E. Afansyeva, A. Pashkov, Edited proceeding, Indo-Russian Discourse of Humanism and Transnationality Reflected in Anna Bhau Sathe, Alexander Pushkin and Afanasy Nikitin’s Writings, held on 16-17 September 2019, Moscow, Russia, Published in Moscow, ISBN 978-5-98269-203-0
*R.Saxena, S. Saini, Published book in translation “Zoshchenko ki kahnaiyan: Roosi lekhak Mikhail Zoshchenko ki rachnayen, translation of 92 stories from Russian to Hindi, published by Shubdha Prakashan, June, 2019, pages 431, ISBN 978-93-86033-34-5
* M. Narain, R. Banerjee, K.S. Verma, M. Bhatnagar, S. Saini, V.K. Ambedkar, edtied Journal ‘Critic’ for 2018 Special Issue no.15.