M.Phil (Economics) Delhi School of Economics, Delhi
Ph.D. (Economics) Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Agricultural economics: agricultural trade, public expenditure and rural poverty, agriculture marketing, food processing industry
Since November 2013 Professor, Centre for the Study of Regional Development, JNU.
November 2007 – October 2013 Associate Professor, Centre for the Study of Regional Development, JNU.
August 2006 – October 2007 Deputy Director, Agriculture-Water and Rural Development Division, FICCI.
January 2004 –July 2006 ICSSR Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi University Enclave
April 1999-December 2003: Assistant Professor, NABARD Chair Unit, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi University Enclave, Delhi.
February 1998-February 1999: Research Associate, Resource and Development Economics Group, The Energy Research Institute, New Delhi.
October, 1997 – January 1998: Consultant, WWF-India and Agro Economic Research Centre, Delhi University.
September 1993 - September 1997: Economist, Environment Unit, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi University Enclave.
September 4, 1991 – September 30, 1992: Lecturer, Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Delhi University.
• Dr. S.R. Sen Biennial Prize by the Indian Society of Agriculture Economics in 2018 for a published book
• Dr. R.T. Doshi award for best article in Agricultural Economics Research Review in 2014, 2015 & 2020
• Jawaharlal Nehru Award for Post-graduate Agricultural Research - 2008 by the ICAR in 2009
1. International Food Policy Research Institute - Accelerating agricultural growth and poverty alleviation through public expenditure in India
2. World Bank- Accelerating private investment and competitiveness in food processing industry in India: a state level analysis
3. World Bank – Agriculture industry linkages and post-harvest management in India
4. FAO - Structural reforms and governance issues in Indian agriculture
5. IFPRI-DFID: Structural transformation in South East Asian Countries and key drivers
6. FAO-NCAER - The food grain stocking policy in India.
7. UNCTAD – Impact of trade on employment, wages and labour productivity in unorganized manufacturing in India
8. African Asian Rural Development Organisation - Economic and social and viability of agro-processing industry in India
1. Food and Nutrition Security under the Public Distribution System in Odisha (with Balkrishan), Agricultural Economics Research Review, 32 (2), pp. 159-174, Jan-June 2020.
2. Irrigation Governance and the Performance of the Public Irrigation System across States in India (with Elumalai Kannan, and Gautam Kumar Das), Agricultural Economics Research Review, 32, pp.27-41. 2019.
3. Targeting Agricultural Investments and Input Subsidies in the Low-Income and Lagging Regions of India (with P K Joshi and Anjani Kumar), The European Journal of Development Research, 27 Feb., DOI 10.1057/s41287-019-00207-5. 2019
4. Factors Contributing to Income Inequalities among Agricultural Households in India (with Anjani Kumar), Economic and Political Weekly, 54, No.21, May 25, 2019.
5. Inter-sectoral Productivity Differentials in India: Is Convergence Achievable? (with Alwin D’Souza), South Asian Economic Journal Vol.16 (1), 2015.
1. Agro and Food Industry in India : Inter-sectoral Linkages, Employment, Productivity and Competitiveness (with Elumalai Kannan) Springer Nature, Singapore 2021
2. Agricultural Growth and Rural Poverty Reduction in India: Targeting Investments and Input Subsidies (with P K Joshi and Anjani Kumar), Springer Nature, Singapore 2020.
3. Changing Contours of Indian Agriculture: Investment, Income and Non-farm Employment (with Amaresh Dubey), Springer Nature, Singapore, 2017.