Post-doctoral study at University of Oxford 2009
Post-doctoral study at Paris School of Economics (with Professor Roger Guesnerie) 2000.
Ph.D. Economics from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra 1996.
Economics, Green Economics, Development Economics, Economics of Innovation & Technology, Trade and IPR, Economics of Integration (Asia-Pacific) , Economic Policy.
In India
CESP, SSS, Jawaharlal Nehru University since July 2023 to present
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra - October 1994 to July 2023
Outside India
Invited Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo & Kyoto University, Japan 2019-2023.
Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA 2017-18
Fellow, Associate Directors of Studies (DEA), Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH). Paris, France 2015-16.
Visiting Professor, FMSH, Paris, France 2012-13.
South Asia Study Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.2007-09.
Paris School of Economics (Formerly DELTA-ENS-EHESS)), Paris, France 1998-2000
Best Researcher Award by Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra 2021-22.
Best Researcher Award by Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra 2020-21.
JSPS, Japan Research award 2019.
FMSH-ICSSR Fellowship Award 2012.
Agatha Harrison Memorial Fellowship Award for University of Oxford 2007
French Government Fellowship Award for DELTA, Paris, France 1998
Lead Collaborator, Joint Indo-Japan (JSPS-ICSSR) research collaboration on Asian Integration 2019-22, (Prof. Kumiko Haba, Lead Collaborator Japan side)
Research Collaboration with Kyoto University, Japan 2021-22. (with Prof. S. Mizobata).
France –South Asia (ICSSR –FMSH) collaboration on Energy Policy for Energy Security and Geo-politics. 2012-15. (with Prof. Max- Jean Zins).
Appointed non- European collaborator for Implications of EU conversion by European Study Centre, Oxford 2008-09.
Indo-French (MHRD-French Ministry of Foreign Affair) collaboration on Trade and Technology Transfer 1999-2000.
- Economic Efficiency Measurement of Power Sector Reforms in Haryana Using DEA, IEA , Sage Publications. Volume 68, Issue 2, 2020.
- Analysis of Challenges of Paris Agreement on Climate Change after United States Withdrawal, American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Vol. 24 2018
- An Analysis of Demographic Dividend: Window of Opportunity for India, Ecosystem Services, Elsevier Science Direct, Vol. 24, Issue 3 2022.
- Agriculture Crisis and Challenges to Sustainable Economic Development: A Global Perspective, Indian Economic Journal, Vol. 2, 2008.
- Strengthening Indian`s Federal System through Fiscal Reforms, Indian Journal of Federal Studies, Vol. 19 ,2009.
- Energy and Sustainable Development, Trafford Publication, USA 2018.
- BREXIT and India: Challenges and Opportunities, (eds), Brexit and After; Book, Springer International, 2021.
- Fiscal Policy, Decentralization and Economic Growth in India, New Century Publication, New Delhi, 2009.
- South Asian Economic Integration: Progress Problems and Prospects, Omniscripttum S.RLPublication ,Saarbrucken ,Germany 2012.
- Climate Change and Paris Agreement: Challenges, New Century Publication, New Delhi 2019.
- BRICS and INDIA: Recent Development, Challenges and Opportunities (ed), Bookman Publishers, New Delhi 2017.
- Asian Economic and Financial Integration in Global Framework. New Century Publication, New Delhi, 2009.
- Eco-Investment and Innovation for Green Growth Economy (ed), Twenty First Century Publication, India 2015.