Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology / Nuclear Receptors in Health and Disease
Research 37 years; Teaching 22 years
- Awarded Feinberg fellowship of The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 1993-1995.
- Awarded INSERM International Fellowship, France, 1995-1997.
- Awarded French Medical Research Fellowship by ‘Foundation pour la Recherche Medicale’ 1997-1998.
- NIH Visiting Research Fellowship at the University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSCSA)
- Awarded FRE (Fellow in Reproduction and Endocrinology) by Society of Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology, 2009.
- Gold medal oration award by the Society of Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology (SRBCE) for significant contribution in the area of Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2011.
- Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction’ 2023 onwards.
Google Scholar profile of RK Tyagi
- Rizvi S, Chhabra A, Tripathi A, Tyagi RK (2023) Mitotic genome-bookmarking by nuclear hormone receptors: A novel dimension in epigenetic reprogramming and disease assessment. Molecular Cellular Endocrinology. 18:112069. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2023.112069 (in Press)
- Kashyap J, Kumari N, Ponnusamy K, Tyagi RK (2023) Hereditary Vitamin D-Resistant Rickets (HVDRR) associated SNP variants of vitamin D receptor exhibit malfunctioning at multiple levels. BBA-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms Volume 1866: 194891 (impact factor 2022 6.3)
- Thakur K, Emmagouni Sharath Kumar Goud, Jawa Y, Keswani C, Onteru S, Singh D, Singh SP, Roy P, Tyagi RK (2023) Detection of endocrine and metabolism disrupting xenobiotics in milk-derived fat samples by fluorescent protein-tagged nuclear receptors and live cell imaging. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 33:293-306.
- Kashyap J, Tyagi RK (2022) Mitotic genome bookmarking by nuclear receptor VDR advocates transmission of cellular transcriptional memory to progeny cells (2022) Experimental Cell Research 417:113193
- Saha P, Kumar S, Datta K and Tyagi RK (2021) Incidence of increased autophagy in mifepristone treated in vitro and in vivo polycystic ovarian models and its reversion upon thymoquinone treatment. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 208:105823
- Kumar S, Vijayan S, Dash AK, Gourinath S and Tyagi RK (2021) Nuclear Receptor SHP Dampens Transcription Function and Abrogates Mitotic Chromatin Association of PXR and ERα via Intermolecular Interactions. BBA-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1864:194683.
- Singh SK, Yende AS, Ponnusamy K and Tyagi RK (2019) A comprehensive evaluation of anti-diabetic drugs on nuclear receptor PXR platform Toxicol In Vitro 60: 347-358.
- Rana M, Dash AK, Ponnusamy K and Tyagi RK (2018) Nuclear localization signal region in nuclear receptor PXR governs the receptor association with mitotic chromatin. Chromosome Research 26: 255-276.
- Dash AK, Yende AS, Jaiswal B, Tyagi RK (2017) Heterodimerization of Retinoid X Receptor with Xenobiotic Receptor partners occurs in the cytoplasmic compartment: mechanistic insights of events in living cells. Experimental Cell Research 360:337-346.
- Rana M, Devi S, Gourinath S, Goswami R, Tyagi RK (2016) A comprehensive analysis and functional characterization of naturally occurring non-synonymous variants of nuclear receptor PXR. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1859: 1183–1197.
Total Published Research Articles in National/International Journals: 80
Total Published Abstracts in National/International Journals: ~50
Biochemical Pharmacology, PLoS one, FEBS Journal, Xenobiotica, Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction, Biochimca Biophysica Acta (BBA), Nature Methods, etc.
Tyagi RK, Negi S, Kumari S, Saradhi M and Mukhopadhyay G. Stable integration of a xenobiotic receptor promoter-reporter DNA construct into a human liver cell line for evaluating the drugs by high throughput screening. Indian Patent filed through IPM cell at JNU, New Delhi.
Indian Patent Application. No. 464/DEL/2010.
International (PCT) patent application number PCT/IN2011/000127 filed on 01.03.2011.
Publication no.: WO/2011/108003
The present claim relates to generation of a liver cell line that is stably integrated with a promoter-reporter DNA construct and has utility in analyzing those prescription drugs, herbal drug ingredients and other xenobiotics/factors that have modulatory effects on cellular levels of PXR protein i.e. up regulation or down regulation of PXR.