Ph.D., M.A., CoP, DoP, Ayurveda Biology and B.A. Optional courses for Monsoon 2024
►Negotiate between, and bring together, through interactive projects, the traditional scholars/scholarship and the mainstream university scholars/scholarship
►Undertake maintenance and preservation of heritage texts and manuscripts
►Constitute and expound theoretical framework from the primary intellectual texts of the Sanskrit tradition, and
►Extend and validate the classical theories by applying them both to contemporary Indian reality (modern Indian languages, literature, etc.) and to contemporary European Languages and literature (to reverse the existing data-theory relationship between the Indian academy and the Western academy and to recover theory status for the Indian thought),
►Undertake comparative research in Indian and Western traditions of thought in linguistics, literary and cultural theory, philosophy including philosophy of language,metrics and prosody, sociological thought, polity, gender, and ethnic studies and culture.
The The School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies (SSIS) currently has M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. programs and five Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) courses in Sanskrit, Pali, Sanskrit Computational Linguistics, Yoga Philosophy and Vedic Culture. The school is planning to start several new courses and programs soon.