M.Sc (Geography)
M.Tech (Remote Sensing)
P.M- GeoVIS ( ITC-Netherlands)
Geographic information science and spatial analysis; with applications in Regional Development, urban studies, spatial planning, disaster research, sustainability, land use change and climate change ; to bridge the research gap between social sciences and GISciences to strengthen social science research.
Assistant Professor in Higher Education Directorate, Government of Rajasthan, 1998-2002.
Scientist in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Division, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing-Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), 2002-2006.
Adjunct faculty to Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific-CSSTEAP (Affiliated to the UN), Dehradun, India, 2002-2006
Best paper award for the paper titled ‘Visual Perception and Cartographic Design’ presented in International Cartographic congress of Indian National Cartographic Association (INCA), 2005
ISRS (Indian Society of Remote Sensing-Indian Space Research Organisation) best paper research Journal Award for paper titled ‘Mining land cover information using multilayer perceptron and decision tree from MODIS data ( Co-authors Kumar, U., Kerle, N., and Ramachandar, T.V.) Journal of the Indian Society Remote Sensing, Vol. 38 (4): 593-603. 2010
Best paper award for paper titled ‘Urban sprawl and its effects on peri urban villages’ (Co-authored by Choudhary, A) in workshop on ‘Geoinformatics for Urban Planning’ held at Space Application Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad. 2012
Raman Fellowship under Indo-US 21st Century knowledge initiative for PostDoc research work at Yale University, USA. 2013
State level Shikshak Samman, Jaipur, 2015
National Resource Repository (NRR) Project for Land Use and Land Cover Assessment for Delhi, Haryana and Punjab States 2004-2006, National Remote Sensing Centre-Indian Space Research Organisation (NRSC-ISRO).
Spatial aspects of Governance of Decentralised Rural Local Bodies (Panchayati Raj Institutions) in Rajasthan 2009-2012, Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR), New Delhi.
SUBURBIN Urbanisation in India 2011-2014. French National Agency (ANR) in collaboration with University of Paris, CNRS, IFP and CSH.
Snow Spectral Properties and Regional Climate 2012-2015, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi.
Risks and responses to Urban futures: Understanding peri-urban dynamics for enhanced ecosystem service benefits 2014-2016, ESPA-ESRC-UK in collaboration with University of Sussex, UK
1."Governance and disaster: Analysis of land use policy with reference to Uttarakhand flood 2013, India " (with Dash, P). International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,Vol.36, 101090. ISSN 2212-4209, 2019.
2. “Comparison of Peripheral Metropolitanisation in Haryana and Rajasthan, India” (Co-author with Kumar, R., Singh, L., & Kaushik, S) . In ‘Subaltern urbanisation in India’ edited by Denis ,E & Zérah, M.H (pp. 141-165). Springer India. 2017.
3. "Decision tree classification of land use land cover for Delhi, India using IRS-P6 AWiFS data" (Co-authored by Joshi, P.K., Porwal, M.C.), Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, Vol. 38 (5) :5577-5583, 2011.
4. "Using remote sensing technologies to enhance resource conservation and agricultural productivity in underutilized lands of South Asia" (Co-authored by Chandna, P., Ladha, J.K., U.P. Singh., and Gupta, Raj), Applied Geography, Elsevier, Vol. 32: 757-765. 2011.
5. "Identifying Biomass Burned Patches of Agriculture Residue using satellite remote sensing data" (Co-authored by Nautiyal,V.P., Kant,Y.), Current Science, Vol. 94 (9):1185-1190, 2008.
1.“Development and Disaster Management: A Study of the North-eastern States of India” (with Singh, A., Haran, N.P. and Singh, T.B. Eds.). Palgrave. 2018.
2. “Marginalization in Globalizing Delhi: Issues of Land, Livelihoods and Health” ( with Acharya, S.S., Sen, S. & Reddy, S. Eds.). eBook ISBN: 978-81-322-3583-5; Hardcover ISBN: 978-81-322-3581-1. Springer. 2017.
3. "Entropy Approach for Assessment of Urban Growth: A Case Study of Jaipur, India" (Co-authored by Singh, Laxman), Journal of the Indian Society Remote Sensing, Vol. 38 (4): 593-603, 2011.