Instructions for Zero Semester
Check-list/Instructions for zero semester on medical ground::
- Application for zero semester must be submitted in the prescribed format.
- Application for zero semester must be submitted within the stipulated time as mentioned on the prescribed format of application i.e. latest by 12th May for Winter Semester and 5th December for Monsoon Semester. In case, the last date happens to be holiday, next working day will be the last date.
- The Student applying for zero semester, must intimate his illness within seven days or any family member or any class/roommate on his/her behalf.
- Application should be forwarded to the Asstt/Dy. Registrar (Eval.) by the Chairperson of concerned Centre and the concerned Dean of the School with clear-cut/specific recommendation. Student shall not bring the application personally to the Evaluation Branch which should be forwarded officially by the School.
- Application for zero semester on medical ground must be enclosed with Medical Certificate/Fitness Certificate duly stamped (indicating registration no.) & having signature of the student with attestation by doctor.
- Students applying for zero semester on medical ground must comply with the instructions given in the prescribed application format and must fill up all the columns of the application, clearly indicating the name of semester & year he is seeking for zero semester/year.
- Incomplete application and/or non-compliance of above instructions shall liable to be rejected straightaway without further notice.