Girish Nath Jha
Centre/School/Special Centre
School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies
Room No
Off. Phone
girishjha@jnu.ac.in, girishjha@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
M.A : 1991, Linguistics, JNU, New Delhi
M.Phil : 1993, Linguistics (Computational Morphology), JNU, New Delhi
Ph.D : 1998, Linguistics (Machine Translation), JNU, New Delhi
M.A. : 1999, Linguistics (Natural Language Interface),University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Areas of Interest/Specialization
Indian languages corpora and standards, Sanskrit and Hindi linguistics, Science & Technology in Sanskrit texts, Computational Lexicography, Machine Translation, e-learning, web based technologies, RDBMS techniques, software design and localization
- Professor of Computational Linguistics, School of Sanskrit & Indic Studies, J.N.U (2014-)
- Chairman, Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology (CSTT), Ministry of Education, Government of India (2022-2025)
- Associate Professor of Computational Linguistics, School of Sanskrit & Indic Studies, J.N.U (2008 - 2014)
- Assistant Professor of Computational Linguistics, School of Sanskrit & Indic Studies, J.N.U (2002 - 2008)
- Software Development Specialist, Human Kinetics, Champaign, Illinois, USA (2001 - 2002)
- Software Engineer, Collaborative Technologies (renamed dChain Commerce), Champaign, Illinois, USA (1999 - 2001)
- Research Assistant, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA (1998 - 1999)
- Research Assistant, Dept. of Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA (Summer, 1997)
- Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA (1996-1998)
Administrative Experience as head
- Chairman, Working Group on Hardware & Software (Keyboard, Fonts, Rendering Engine, Applications, Security) set up by MEITY, GOI (2024 -)
- Coordinator, Ayurveda Biology Program, School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies, JNU (2020 - 2022)
- Dean, School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies, JNU (2017 - 2019)
- Director, International Collaboration, JNU (2016 - 2018)
- Chairperson, Special Center for Sanskrit Studies, JNU (2016 - 2017)
- Chairperson, Security Advisory Committee, JNU 2020 - 2022
- Chairperson, Space Committee, JNU 2019 - 2022
- Chairperson, Committee on plagiarism, JNU, 2018
International Visiting Faculty
- Guest Professor, University of Wurzburg, Germany, under DAAD fellowship, November 2016
- Visiting Professor, University of Florence, Italy, June-July 2016
- Guest Lectureship, University of Wurzburg, Germany to teach a short course in Computational Linguistics at the Digital Humanities department under a DAAD fellowship during Jan, 2014
- Guest Lectureship, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, March 2013 to teach Computational Linguistics to the faculty of the University.
- Mukesh and Priti Chatter Distinguished Professor of History of Science, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA (2009-2012)
Awards & Honours
- Received the "Datta Peetha Aasthaana Vidvana" award for Sanskrit linguistics on 26th May 2017
- KECSS Felicitation Award - 2016 for the revival and development of Sharada script by Kashmir Education, Culture and Science Society (KECSS), 26th Feb, 2016
- DAAD fellowship (Germany) to teach Computational Linguistics at University of Wurzburg, Germany in 2014
- Nominated to the Editorial Board of Springer for their journal Language Resource and Evaluation (LRE) since Feb 2010.
- Evaluated as Exceptional Programmer by the Human Kinetics - USA, 2002
- Ranked Excellent Teacher twice by students of Hindi at University of Illinois (USA) : 1997, 1998
International Collaboration/Consultancy
- Google consultancy for studying bilingual speech variations (2021-2022)
- Google consultancy for studying bilingual interactions in the NCR (2020-2021)
- Nuance Communications consultancy for mobile keyboard for Indian languages (Feb - April 2016)
- Swiftkey consultancy for mobile phones predictive keyboard for minor Indian languages (Jan - March 2015)
- EZ Data Intelligence consultancy for research in smart text processors for medical domain, 2013 -
- Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA for Machine Translation for Indian Languages, July - August 2012
- Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA for narrow band data for language identification by computers, January - April 2011
- Center of Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA, for exploring scientific texts in Sanskrit, 2010-12
- Center for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Pune consultancy for Software Localization, 2007
- Microsoft Research India Lab, Bangalore for their POS tagging project for Indic languages, November 2006-January 2007
- Microsoft India on their project on Handwriting Recognition for Devanagari, February - June 2006
- Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha (then New Delhi) on their Database system for dialects of Hindi project (2002-2003)
- Vidyapati – Hindi to Maithili MT, Sponsored by MEITY, 2022-26
- Machine Translation Evaluation Platform (MTEP), Innovation Grant from UPE-II, JNU, 2017-19
- Shallow Parser Tools (SP Tools) for Indian Languages - Maithili, as Director, funded under the Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) program by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), March , 2012 onwards
- Indian Languages Corpora Initiative (ILCI)-phase2, as Director and Consortium Leader, funded under the Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) program by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), 2012-16
- Indian Languages Corpora Initiative (ILCI)-phase1, as Director and Consortium Leader, funded under the Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) program by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), 2009-12
- Developing Computational Tools For Sanskrit And Sanskrit-Hindi Machine Translation, as Director, funded under the Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) program by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), March 28, 2008-12
- Online Multilingual Amarakosa : as Director: funded by JNU under UPOE program of UGC, 2005-07
- Database system for dialects of Hindi (2002-03): as co-director: Under my supervision , a team of software engineers developed a VB-SQL server software for dialect mapping of Hindi, sponsored and run by MGAHU, New Delhi
- ALED (Active Living Everyday) at Human Kinetics, USA: a dynamic content, interactive website for fitness management 2002: project manager and lead programmer
- Internationalization project of CollaTech e-solutions using JAVA resource bundles. Project involves making the source code compatible to the multilingual locales and languages, 2001
- Database development project at the University of Illinois’s Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology 1998-99: database programmer
- Analyzing schizophrenic speech at Dept. of Psychology, University Of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1997: research assistant
- Developing technical terminology for Hindi (attended a series of workshops organized by Scientific and Technical Terminology Commission, Min of HRD, 1994-96) and contributed in developing technical terminology for Hindi
- Computer Assisted Sanskrit Teaching Learning Environment (DoE sponsored project at JNU 1991-94): research investigator
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- Khanganba, K. Kabi; Jha, Girish Nath, 2020, “Formal Sanskrit Syntax: A Specification for Programming Language”, Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Student Research Workshop, 72-78 ISBN 978-1-952148-93-4. Suzhou, China: Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Srishti Singh and Girish Nath Jha, 2018, “English Multi-Word Expressions (MWE): A Tagset for Health Domain”. In Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2018), pg 1812-1817. Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 03 December 2018. DOI: 10.1109/ICACCI.2018.8554795. IEEE. Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-5314-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-5315-9 (Scopus)
- Madhav Gopal and Girish Nath Jha, 2017, “Zero Pronouns and Their Resolution in Sanskrit Texts”, procs of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications. ISTA’17, Manipal University, Karnataka 13-16 September, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 683, Springer (Scopus)
- Srishti Singh, Girish Nath Jha, 2015, Statistical Tagger for Bhojpuri (employing Support Vector Machine), International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2015, Pages: 1524 - 1529, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCI.2015.7275829
- Girish Nath Jha, 2010, The TDIL program and the Indian Language Corpora Initiative (ILCI), Procs of the 7th Conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC`10), published by ELRA, isbn 2-9517408-6-7, pp982-985, Valletta, Malta, May 19-21, 2010
- Madhav Gopal and Diwakar Mishra , Girish Nath Jha, 2009, Annotating Sanskrit corpus – adapting IL-POSTS, in Human Language Technology: Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics (revised and selected papers from 4th LTC), pp 371-379, Zygmunt Vetulani (ed), Springer Verlag, Germany, 2009
- Girish Nath Jha, Sudhir K Mishra , 2009, Semantic processing in Panini’s karaka system, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science series) 5402, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-00154-3 (Gérard P. Huet, Amba P. Kulkarni, Peter Scharf eds) pp 239-252, 2009
- Girish Nath Jha, 2009, Inflectional Morphology Analyzer for Sanskrit, Sanskrit Computational Linguistics ( Lecture Notes in Computer Science series) 5402 Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-00154-3 (Gérard P. Huet, Amba P. Kulkarni, Peter Scharf ed. pp 219-238, 2009
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- Vedanta Science and Technology – a multidisciplinary approach (eds Girish Nath Jha, Bal Ram Singh, Sukalyan Sengupta), Procs of the 22nd International Congress of Vedanta (22Vedanta), 27-30 Dec 2015, JNU, DK Printworld, Delhi, 2020
- Veda as global heritage: Scientific perspectives (eds, Girish Nath Jha, Sudhir Kumar Arya, Abhijit Dixit, Atul Kr Ojha), Procs of the International Veda Conference on "Veda as Global Heritage: Scientific Perspectives", JNU, 15-18 Dec 2016, Vidyanidhi Prakashan, Delhi, 2019
- Perspectives on the Origin of Indian Civilizations (eds Angela Marcantonio, Girish Nath Jha), DK Printworld, Delhi, 2012
- Computer Processing of Sanskrit Nominal Inflections: Methods and Implementation, ( Subhash Chandra, Girish Nath Jha), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011
- Sanskrit Computational Linguistics, Girish Nath Jha (ed), proceedings of the 4th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium, Springer Verlag, Germany, 2010
- Sanganak-janit vyavaharik Sanskrit dhatu-rupavali, Vidyanidhi Prakashan, Delhi, 2007